Installation on Unix
SolarBeam is a portable application and does not need to be installed. You can place it anywhere on the filesystem and run it from there. SolarBeam can also set up launchers for itself in the Applications menu.Dependencies
On Ubuntu you will need to install the packages:
- mono-runtime
- libmono-i18n2.0-cil
- libmono-winforms2.0-cil
On Fedora you will need to install the packages:
- mono-basic
First download a SolarBeam release from this website.
Open a terminal and extract the .zip file with unzip.
The extracted directory contains the program and can be placed anywhere on the filesystem.
Inside the directory you'll find the program. solarbeam.exe is the main executable. Run it using mono.
Creating shortcuts
Once you've started the program you can create launchers to SolarBeam in the Applications menu by choosing Help > Create shortcuts....
Click Create.
If you are running Gnome you should now see the launcher in the menu.
If you are running KDE you should now see the launcher in the menu.